Interval ear training can be quite helpful for your music…
Interval ear training can be quite helpful for your musical growth. But, many struggle to use the training in their real musical life apart from isolated interval exercises.

Here are a few ways to progress past this and really integrate your interval skills with the rest of your musical life:

As a classical musician, you may have been trained to not…
As a classical musician, you may have been trained to not improvise.

But today, more and more classical musicians are jumping on the improv train. Finding new and exciting ways to engage with their audience.

While we don’t believe in a strictly rigid way to improvise, there are things you can do to make improvisation easier and more productive.

Nashville songwriter, producer, educator, and music indus…
Nashville songwriter, producer, educator, and music industry insider Cliff Goldmacher has built a catalog of over 1000 songs. Learn about his musical beginnings and songwriting process in this exclusive interview with Musical U!

“How can I learn to sing?” We get asked this question a…
“How can I learn to sing?”

We get asked this question a lot inside of Musical U. And we firmly believe that every musician can and should learn to sing.

In this “big picture” guide for learning to sing, go from zero ability to knowing confidently that you can reliably sing in tune and sound good.

Have you ever experienced stage fright? It’s perfectly no…
Have you ever experienced stage fright? It’s perfectly normal for all musicians, even professionals. And there are ways that you can overcome this anxiety and find happiness on stage.

The Musical U team presents 5 different ways you can take control of your live performances.

The time signature of a piece of music is one of the key …
The time signature of a piece of music is one of the key clues that can help you understand the rhythm and structure of the piece.

It tells you how the music is to be counted, what beats are emphasized, and most importantly, what the “feel” of the music is likely to sound like.

In this introduction to time signatures, we’ll teach you exactly what those fraction-like numbers mean, what kinds of music use what time signatures, and the simple time signature that almost all of your favourite rock and pop jams use.

Ready to add another instrument to your repertoire? It ma…
Ready to add another instrument to your repertoire? It may surprise you to learn that one of the best selling instruments in the world is the ukulele.

The ukulele is a fun and unique instrument, and there are many benefits to learning how to play. It’s lightweight and portable, so you can play anywhere. It sounds great on its own or in combination with other instruments.

Get started with this guide!

We use the word “musicality” a lot here at Musical U. But…
We use the word “musicality” a lot here at Musical U. But what exactly does it mean?

As musicians and music lovers we all have some instinctive understanding of what musicality is, and perhaps we can even spot it when we see (or hear) it. Do we truly understand the full range of skills and experience bundled up in that simple word though?

Let’s take this opportunity to explore: what is musicality?

Eloise Hellyer isn’t your ordinary violin teacher. With a…
Eloise Hellyer isn’t your ordinary violin teacher. With a unique teaching approach that centers on the student rather than on accepted measures of progress, Eloise started Violin Teachers Blog, where she regularly shares her teaching insights and tips.

Delve deeper into Eloise’s teaching experience and philosophy. She discusses what makes a good teacher, how she gets reluctant students to pick up their instrument and practice, and a brilliant revelation about an unexpected side benefit of music lessons…

Genres come and go, pushed into oblivion by new trends in…
Genres come and go, pushed into oblivion by new trends in music. Yet few styles have stood the test of time as well as ska music. The distinctive instrumentals, raw energy, and forward-driving brass section has given ska music the chance to carve out a niche in the musical world.

Read on to learn about the three waves of ska music, the instrumentation and rhythms that make it unique, how it compares to reggae, and of course, the identity of this mysterious “Rudy” character mentioned in an overwhelming number of ska songs.