The I, IV, V and vi Chords – The Musicality Podcast

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Chords are sometimes referred to with numbers, and chord progressions as a series of numbers, such as I-IV-V or 1-4-5. Find out what these numbers mean, how to build chords on any note in any key, and how you can use this to write unforgettable songs!

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The I, IV, V and vi Chords – The Musicality Podcast

Turning Ordinary People into Musicians, with Casey McCann

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Today we’re speaking with Casey McCann, founder of Eclectic Music and The Little Middle School in Atlanta. At Eclectic Music, they have the tagline of “Turning ordinary people into musicians”, which we love!

We had the pleasure of meeting Casey in person recently and found her to be such a kindred spirit in the way she thinks about music education and the importance of empowering musicians with ear skills and musicality from the outset.

Talking with her was so enjoyable that we knew we had to have her on the show, and share some of her ideas and insights with you too.

Casey is the founder of Eclectic Music which offers music lessons and classes to musicians of all ages, and The Little Middle School, a small private academic program for ages 11 to 14. Casey believes that anyone can learn anything, as long as they have the tools and guidance.

She especially enjoys working with students who have struggled in the past and helping them to find success. And she’s also incorporated musicality training into The Little Middle School’s academic program, something we talk about in this conversation.

As always, we were keen to dig into Casey’s own early music experiences and how she developed her musicality before starting to help others to do the same. We talk about:

– The key insight about guitar and music theory that let her immediately have new freedom playing piano
– How she was able to start playing songs by ear, even without formal ear training
– Why at her school they let students pick each day what instrument they want to play rather than expecting them to pick one and stick with it for weeks or months

There are a few really key insights in this episode as well as a refreshing and powerful philosophy on approaching music learning in general. We loved having the chance to speak with Casey again and we think you’re going to really enjoy hearing her perspective and seeing how it can impact your own musical life.

Listen to the episode:

About Casey McCann

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The Little Middle School –

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Turning Ordinary People into Musicians, with Casey McCann

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About Active Listening

What is “active listening” – and should you be doing it? Musicians often make the mistake of thinking that “ear training” is just about specific concrete skills like recognising intervals or learning to adjust EQ bands on a mixer by ear. But actually there’s one big-picture skill that’s possibly more important than all of those – as well as providing a great opportunity to put those skills to use. And that’s active listening. Learn more about what it is and a number of ways you can start doing it yourself, today, in this episode.

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In our recent episode with Matthew and Jeremy from the Music Student 101 podcast we touched on the topic of “active listening” or “critical listening”. Jeremy talked about how having a critical ear, meaning one that’s really tuned in to what’s going on in what you hear, was a big common factor in his success as a musician and as an audio recording engineer. It’s something I talk about in an upcoming episode with Katie Wardrobe too where she shares some ways she likes to practice active listening.

So what is “active listening” and why should you be doing it?

Musicians often make the mistake of thinking that “ear training” is just about specific concrete skills like recognising intervals or learning to adjust EQ bands on a mixer by ear.

But actually there’s one big-picture skill that’s possibly more important than all of those – as well as providing a great opportunity to put those skills to use. And that’s active listening.

Active listening simply means your brain is truly engaged in the activity of listening. As Jeremy put it “A lot of people are hearing, but not many are listening”.

Ask yourself: for the music you heard in the last few days, did you just hear it? Or were you actively listening to it?

Active listening is closely related to the idea of “music appreciation”. If you take a class on music appreciation it helps you start learning this skill of active listening and equips you with some key concepts to put into action as you do it. Music appreciation isn’t about judging music as good or bad – it’s about becoming more aware, and understanding more about the music you hear. It’s useful and interesting for any music fan, but doubly-so for musicians.

Why practice active listening?

So for a musician, what’s the point of doing this? Clearly active listening is going to take more mental effort than just having music on in the background.

The answer is that active listening “wakes up” your ear. Everything you’re learning in music, whether that’s skills on your instrument like playing scales, chords or pieces, or skills in your mind like recognising notes by ear or creating your own musical ideas – all of these can be applied to and will benefit from active listening.

Think of it this way: With active listening, every time you hear a song it’s an opportunity to both put your musical skills to use and also improve those skills. Whenever a member at Musical U asks about finding more time for music practice amid a busy life, active listening is high on our list of recommendations – because there aren’t many of us who don’t have opportunities during the day for listening to music. You might be walking the dog, washing the dishes, driving a commute – all those times when music is normally just in the background can become valuable opportunities to level up your skills.

There are also a couple of great knock-on effects. When you listen actively you are also training your musical memory. To be able to mentally analyse what you heard, the brain needs to kind of hold it in place for a moment. It starts modelling what’s going on, and that kind of modelling and mental structure is exactly what you need to more easily remember longer sections of music you hear.

It’s also great for the skill of audiation, meaning imagining music in your mind. This is often applied to improvisation, where to be truly free and creative you want to be imagining the music before you play it rather than just playing notes and hoping they sound good. When you practice active listening you’re teaching your brain to conjure up vivid mental representations of music, and that’s something you can then apply to music you’re creating in your mind yourself as well as the music you’ve heard.

How to practice active listening

So are you convinced? Active listening is a versatile and powerful music practice activity that you can easily fit in to a busy life – oh, and it’s great fun too!

You’re probably wondering what specifically I’m suggesting you do. What exactly are you doing when you’re doing “active listening?”

One way to think about it is: You’re listening while thinking. You are focusing your attention on the music you’re hearing, not just letting your thoughts wander or being distracted by some other activity.

The best way to do this is by using questions to focus your mind. Instead of just trying to generally pay attention to the music, try asking yourself specific questions about the music and then use your ears to try to answer them.

You can begin with the overall question: If you had to describe this song to someone, what could you tell them?

To answer that big question you can ask yourself a bunch of followup questions. For example:

What instruments are present? It might be a rock band of guitar, bass, drums, keys and vocals, or it might be a string quartet, or it might be a full orchestra. Can you hear each of the instruments present if it’s a small group, or each of the sections if it’s an orchestra? Of course this can change during the course of a song or piece, so this alone can be a great question to pay attention to throughout, try to follow one or more of the instruments by ear and stay conscious of whether it’s present and what part it’s playing in the arrangement.

What’s the overall structure of the song or piece? Which parts repeat and in what sequence? This lets you form a big-picture mental model of the song, and a lot of these other questions we’ll cover can slot into that structure once you figure it out. If you know the proper terminology or theory by all means use it, but a simple labelling system like “section A”, “section B” and so on can work great too.

How many bars are in each section? Count it out: 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 4 and so on.

What types of rhythm are being used? Is the beat straight or swung? Are syncopated rhythms being used? Is it the downbeat or the upbeat being emphasised?

Is the song in a major or a minor key?

What’s going on in the harmony? You can try to hear which chords are major or minor, or if there are more advanced types of chord being used. If you’ve done some chord progression ear training you can try to hear the actual progressions, I-IV-V-I, etc.

If you’ve been learning solfa or intervals, can you figure out the melody notes by ear? It can be handy to have an instrument or a keyboard app on your phone to check if you got it right.

What production techniques or audio effects are being used? For example have real instruments been recorded in a simple way or is it a full-blown electronic creation?

Another great task is to pause the song, or you can just take a minute after it ends – and try to recreate the song in your mind in as much detail as possible – again, this is developing your skill in audiation and your musical memory. The more of the questions you’ve been able to ask yourself and answer, the easier you’re going to find it to reconstruct the song in your mind.

If you start doing all of this then when someone mentions a new track instead of saying “Oh yeah, I heard that song. It’s a pop song.” you might be able to say something like “Oh yeah, that song. It’s got kind of a country shuffle beat to it, simple trio of guitar, bass and drumkit with the vocalist on top. Just follows a basic I-V-vi-IV progression in the verses, with a I-IV-V chorus. Starts out with an intro then it’s just verse chorus verse chorus bridge chorus. In that bridge the bassist gets a solo and throws in these great syncopated rhythms to spice things up. The melody pretty much sticks to the major pentatonic in the verses but has these phrases lingering on the 7th note, the “ti” in the chorus which match up well with the lyrics about yearning. I love the barebones sound, just has a little bit of reverb but it’s otherwise totally clean.”

Now you’re not just sounding like a music fan – you’re sounding like a musician!

Imagine having this kind of awareness of every song you hear, and the impact that would have on learning new songs or collaborating with other musicians in a band, the impact on your ability to play by ear or write your own music.

Active listening is the key to developing a truly aware musical ear. To come back to our previous podcast episode on Mindfulness for Musicians, this is a bit like developing a mindful ear: one that doesn’t just drift through its experiences unaware, but is fully present to all the rich detail and structure in all the music you hear, so that you’re able to hear, appreciate, understand and remember it all in a powerful way.

At first active listening takes a lot of conscious thought – but in time, though your attention will be focused on the music you hear, you’ll find you don’t need to think through all those questions so much. You will have awakened your ear to everything it can appreciate and be aware of in the music.

Possibly the best thing about active listening is how easy it is to get started. As we’ve talked about there’s any number of ways to approach this, and you can base it totally on what you’re currently working on in your musicality training. You can start out with real basics, like listening to the instruments present and trying to tune in to one particular one throughout the song. And then every new concept or skill you learn in music, bring that to the task and ask yourself what this song is doing relating to that concept or skill, such as tonality, harmony, rhythm, and so on.

This is something you can do each and every time you hear a piece of music – so it’s an amazing way to fit in a huge amount of additional useful ear training. Give it a try, and start waking up your ears with active listening!

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8 Tips for Playing Guitar and Singing at the Same Time

Learning how to play guitar takes time, hard work, and dedication. However, many guitarists are multi-taskers and like to take their playing a step further by introducing another instrument: vocals.

Being able to play guitar and sing at the same time makes a performance much more engaging for the audience, and allows everyone to get involved. Furthermore, if you’re a working musician, it’s easier to get a gig if you can do both.

Depending on how experienced you are, playing guitar and singing at the same time may be easier for some than it is for others. What it comes down to is being able to focus less on what you’re playing on the guitar so that you can focus more on the melody of the vocals.

Regardless of what stage you’re at in the process of learning how to play guitar and sing at the same time, it’ll come with challenges. For this reason, I’ve outlined eight things you should take into consideration as you work on improving your ability to multitask as a guitarist.

If you’re new to wanting to learn how to play guitar and sing simultaneously, start from the first tip and work your way through. If you’re more experienced, you may have already applied a few of these tips. Therefore, focus on the ones you haven’t worked on yet.

1. Start with a simple song

3-chord progressionRegardless of whether you’re a more advanced guitarist or not, starting with a simple song is essential. The goal here is to build up your ability to multitask, which can be much more difficult than just playing a hard song on guitar without singing over it.

Choose a song with three or four chords in total.

If you need some song suggestions, check out this list of 100+ easy guitar songs which contain links to Ultimate Guitar tabs, Guitar Pro tabs, and the official chords and tabs.

2. Work the guitar part into muscle memory

Play the guitar part of the song you’re learning over and over again without singing.


Play the whole song, then start over and play it again and again until it’s ingrained in your muscle memory.

You should be able to play the guitar part without any problems even when you’re not fully engaged with what you’re doing. For example, try playing it while you’re watching TV or while having a conversation with somebody.

3. Use a metronome

MetronomeA metronome provides a constant beat that helps keep you in time with the song as you play.

Furthermore, as a beginner, once you start singing and playing guitar simultaneously, the first thing to suffer is usually your beat. Keeping a metronome handy will allow you to identify when you’re out of time so that you can quickly correct it.

Another handy trick is to tap your foot to the beat of the song as you’re playing it. With enough practice, your foot will basically act as your metronome helping to ensure that you’re always in time.

4. Practice counting the beat aloud

Once you’re comfortable with using a metronome, you should try counting the beat aloud while playing the song on guitar.

You won’t be following a vocal melody, but at least your brain will start to get used to saying words while simultaneously playing the song.

Try this exercise both with and without a metronome. When practicing without a metronome, ask someone else to listen and see if they can identify whether or not you’re staying in-time or have slipped out. If you don’t have anyone around to ask, simply record yourself and listen back.

5. Hum the vocal melody as you play guitar

To ease you into the process of singing the lyrics and playing the guitar part of the song, try humming the vocal melody instead.

You shouldn’t have to think much about what you’re playing on guitar at this point, so you can turn your focus to the humming aspect. You’ve likely listened to the song enough times that you’ve memorized the melody, so try going through the song from start to finish without any actual singing.

6. Make sure you’ve memorized the lyrics of the song

Woman memorizing lyrics

Before moving on to being able to sing the lyrics and play the guitar part of a song, ensure that you’ve memorized the lyrics.

This will become less important as you progress, but during the beginning stages, it helps greatly as you can focus more on singing the melody and keeping the beat rather than reading the lyrics off of a sheet of paper or a computer.

Sing along with the song in your car and study the lyrics so that you know each and every word!

7. Replace the humming with actual lyrics

At this stage, you should have the guitar part of the song ingrained in muscle memory, know all of the lyrics, and be able to hum the melody while playing guitar.

Therefore, all that’s left to do is to replace the humming with the actual lyrics of the song. If you are still struggling at this stage, try playing one chord of the song and sing the lyrics that go over that chord. Then move to the next chord and sing the next set of lyrics, rinse and repeat.

You’ll eventually become more comfortable and will be able to sing and play the song without pausing.

8. Practice, practice, practice!

The most important step is always practice. Practice hard and practice often. After enough of it, you’ll eventually be able to play guitar and sing naturally.

As I said before, the trick is being able to build up enough muscle memory in your fingers so that you aren’t thinking about what you need to do on the guitar and you can put more focus towards singing the melody and lyrics of the song.

Two-Trick Pony

Being able to play guitar and sing at the same time is a great skill to have. I can personally say that ever since I started singing and accompanying myself on the guitar, I’ve been able to entertain audiences much more effectively – and it allows people to sing along. Whether you’re playing for a few friends, at an open mic, or want to start gigging around town, crowds will typically be much more responsive to a guitarist that can both sing and play.

To improve your ability to sing and play guitar at the same time, be sure to follow the eight tips above and remember the last one especially – practice often!

As a last piece of advice, I find that recording my performance and listening back to it allows me to get a better grasp of what I need to improve on. So give that a shot and good luck!

Developing your ear will also go a long way in improving your ability to play guitar and sing simultaneously. With auditory skills, you’ll be able to sing in tune and understand the way that your vocals and guitar work together, to give the performance of a lifetime!

Cody is the founder of Musician Tuts, a free tutorial hub for musicians. He has over 10 years experience playing guitar, drums, bass and audio engineering. He spends his days blogging, listening to Spotify, and playing music.

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Making a name for yourself in the music business can be a frustrating task, to say the least. For some musicians, this is because they are going about it all wrong. While sending your information to a multitude of record labels certainly won’t hurt, it’s not actually the best way to find success.

Here are 6 tips for finding that “big break” you’ve been searching for.


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Finding Your Big Break: 6 Tips for Making a Name for Yourself as a Musician

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