Music is at the heart of our humanity. Whatever musicalit…
Music is at the heart of our humanity. Whatever musicality you think you do or don’t possess, a steady driving rhythm or the moving melody of a favourite song have a power to move us, both literally and emotionally. But how do you tap into that musical power—particularly if you consider yourself “unmusical”? That’s the special skill of music therapists who use music and musical activities to help heal, teach and nurture people from every background and in a wide variety of circumstances.

We spoke to Kat Fulton, from Music Therapy Ed, a website that has now helped more than 3,000 music therapists to develop and extend their skills. We invited Kat to share some of her experience and insights on the world of music therapy, including: who becomes a music therapist, what kinds of situation can music therapy be useful in, and why is it that music has a power for therapy in the first place?