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What’s New in Musical U: February 2018

New musicality video:

Musical U has exciting news that we can’t wait to share with you! This March we will be exploring improvisation. Discover the new articles, podcasts, and modules that we are preparing in this preview of Improv Month.

Hi, this is Christopher Sutton, the Founder and Director of Musical U, and thanks for joining me for this look inside what’s new at Musical U this month.

We’re actually going to do something a bit different this time though. If you’ve watched one of these videos before, you know that normally what I do is I run you through the new modules and resource packs and all the goodies we have inside Musical U that are new this month. But today I started doing that, and I was looking at our great new resource packs for syncopation and for swing rhythm, and I was going to talk about our Fireside Chat, the new feature where members get to talk directly with the team. This month, we had a great one on performance, and I was getting psyched about that.

But then I got totally sidetracked, because this week March starts, and March is Improv Month at Musical U.

It’s a new thing we’ve put together where we’re going to theme the month all about the topic of improvisation, and I decided what I wanted to do with this video was actually just bring you guys up to speed on all the great stuff we have going on this month for Improv Month.

You can watch the video below or read on to learn more!


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What’s New in Musical U: February 2018

Are you able to tune up your instrument by ear – or do yo…
Are you able to tune up your instrument by ear – or do you rely on an electronic tuner? Being able to tune your instrument is an important and learnable skill. One which will actually benefit you in a number of ways. Learn more from the Musical U team!

What’s New in Musical U: February 2018

Hi, this is Christopher Sutton, the Founder and Director of Musical U, and thanks for joining me for this look inside what’s new at Musical U this month.

We’re actually going to do something a bit different this time though. If you’ve watched one of these videos before, you know that normally what I do is I run you through the new modules and resource packs and all the goodies we have inside Musical U that are new this month. But today I started doing that, and I was looking at our great new resource packs for syncopation and for swing rhythm, and I was going to talk about our Fireside Chat, the new feature where members get to talk directly with the team. This month, we had a great one on performance, and I was getting psyched about that.

But then I got totally sidetracked, because this week March starts, and March is Improv Month at Musical U.

It’s a new thing we’ve put together where we’re going to theme the month all about the topic of improvisation, and I decided what I wanted to do with this video was actually just bring you guys up to speed on all the great stuff we have going on this month for Improv Month.

You can watch the video below or read on to learn more!

Improvisation Month

It’s the first time we’re doing a themed month like this before, but we were working on new improvisation modules for Musical U, and decided it would be fun to release them all in a big batch with our roadmap and do a bunch of public content too, to celebrate the topic of improvisation.

Improvisation is such a big and exciting topic in music, but it’s one that a lot of people feel left out of, and it’s certainly not just about jazz. It’s not just about certain instruments. For us, improvisation is really the heart of being free and creative in music, so we were so excited to put together a dedicated month to show you all how you can get involved with improvisation, and how it can be fun and easy to get really good at improvising.

So, we’ve got so much going on during March, let’s do a rundown.

Before we dive in, though, I want to give a quick shout-out and thank you to my team, because although I’m the one here today telling you about Improv Month, actually, it’s really been Adam and Andrew in particular and all of our team who’ve been working behind the scenes to line up all of the amazing experts and content I’m about to tell you about. So, big credit to the Musical U team, and thanks for pulling together such an exciting Improv Month for everyone.

On the Podcast

So first of all, over on the Musicality Podcast, we’ve got a series of fantastic expert interviews lined up. I’ll be talking with Nick Mainella of the 10 Minute Jazz Lesson Podcast, David Wallimann, whose Guitar Playback site sells great courses for guitar, and he also has over 100,000 subscribers for his guitar tutorials on YouTube, Brendan Lowe of the Jazz Piano School, and David Reed from the popular Improvise For Real method for learning to improvise.

We’ll be interspersing those, as always, with teaching episodes, so we’ll be talking about how to approach improvisation, improvising rhythms specifically, how to improvise with scales and with chords, and how to add structure and form to your improv so it’s not just all an endless string of notes. So, the podcast is going to be 100% improv in the month of March.

Articles and Tutorials

On the website, the public website, we have a bunch of new articles and tutorials coming up, including one about how to improvise in the world of classical music, one on the musicality that goes into improvising a solo.

And we have three great guest posts lined up. Marc-Andre Seguin of, Nadav Biran of CatzAudio, and Robert Callus of are all coming in to share their unique perspectives on learning to improvise.

Inside Musical U: New Modules, Resources and Roadmap

That’s what’s going on outside that everyone can get involved with. All of these are available to you, the podcast episodes, all of these new articles, but like I said before, this all kicked off with thinking about what we’re doing inside Musical U to help our members learn to improvise.

Ever since launching Musical U, we have been helping members with improvisation, because we believe that having a good ear, being able to do things like play by ear, is a cool part of how you can improvise freely, so all of our training modules have already been helping members get a feel for improvising, but now we’re really bringing it home with a set of modules specifically about improvising.

We’ve already published two, one called Approaching Improvisation, and one called Improvising Melody, and in March, we’re going to be releasing Improvising With Chords, one of phrasing, another on form and structure, and one on improv practice, giving you plenty of opportunity to really hone those skills.

These are all going to come together in our new Roadmap for learning to improvise, which will show you how to use these modules, and give you additional exercises and pointers to make it easy and fun.

And, of course, we’re bringing in our Instrument Packs on this topic too, so the new resources in those for guitar, bass, piano, and singing during March are going to be on the topic of improvisation as well.

If you are a member of Musical U, or you’re planning to become one, you’re going to get access to all of this in-depth training on every aspect of improvisation.

Finally, one other exciting thing is we’re going to wrapping up the month with a masterclass: a live, online training session that you can join. It’s going to be open to everyone, and this is going to give you some great pointers on how you can learn to improvise.

Join us for Improv Month!

As you can see, we’ve got a ton of stuff going on in March. It’s going to be really exciting, and I’m so happy that it’s come together so well. All that remains to say is, how can you get involved?

Well, the number one thing is subscribe to the podcast. If you go to, you’ll find an easy way to subscribe on your computer or mobile device.

Number two is follow us on Facebook. Please go to our Facebook page and click Like and Follow, because otherwise, if you just like the page, you may not see any of our content in your news feed. So if you want to get all of this great stuff that’s coming up in Improv Month, please both Like and Follow our page on Facebook.

Finally, of course, some of this stuff is members-only. The training modules and the roadmap, that’s what we’ve been pouring our heart and soul into, and those are for members of Musical U, so if you’re interested in becoming a member, please head to

Thanks for joining me for this look inside not what’s new but what’s coming up in Musical U this month, and I hope you’ll join us for all of this great improv month content and find your way to unleashing your musical creativity through improvisation!

The post What’s New in Musical U: February 2018 appeared first on Musical U.

Collaboration among musicians is nothing new to the busin…
Collaboration among musicians is nothing new to the business. The Beatles, for one, were formed as a result of several individuals deciding to work together as a group, all the way back in the late 1950s. With the changes in technology, can you make it work for you for song collaboration? With Tunedly

Doubling Down on Your Craft, with Brad Davis

New musicality video:

Today we’re talking with Brad Davis, a guitar icon in the world of country and bluegrass music. As you’ll hear on this episode, Brad has had an amazing career. As a go-to stage and session player in Nashville he’s played on Grammy-winning albums and worked with artists like Willie Nelson, Sheryl Crow, Earl Scruggs, Emmy Lou Harris and Johnny Cash. He’s also an artist in his own right, recording critically-acclaimed albums under his own name and writing songs that have been recorded by well-known artists like Tim McGraw and Billy Bob Thornton.

With that resumé you might be expecting a lot of swagger and pride – but Brad is one of the most down-to-earth and humble musicians we’ve had the pleasure of meeting. We found that really inspiring.

This episode is a bit longer than most because there was just so much to learn from Brad. We talk about how he got started and what it took to rise rapidly through the ranks and perform with some of the biggest names in the world. How he was forging his own path from the beginning and how to do that without getting lost and stalling out like so many who try to go their own way do.

He also shared a lot of killer insights for the guitarists in our audience, like

• How and why his “double down up” guitar technique can be like adding a second language alongside the traditional “down up” technique. Don’t miss the videos we’ll have in the shownotes to see this in action!

• How he’s able to hone in on exactly the right region of the strings for his right hand to bring out the best sound on any guitar.

• Which of your two hands is the most important to train on technique – and even as a busy recording artist and record producer he’s still doing this 15 minutes every day himself.

The conversation is quite a blend of guitar specifics and deep insights on career and collaboration in music – so if you’re not a guitarist yourself please don’t be put off – and in fact if you pay attention, a lot of Brad’s comments about guitar can be highly instructive for any musician.

Oh, and don’t miss Brad revealing the embarrassing nickname he earned around Nashville – and why!

Listen to the episode:

Links and Resources

Brad Davis’s website:

The Rhythm Pick Pattern:

The Double-Down Up Technique:

The Brad Bender device:

Brad’s bluegrass tribute to George Jones:

Brad’s YouTube channel:

Let us know what you think! Email:


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Doubling Down on Your Craft, with Brad Davis

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