Singing: Creative Warmups

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Beginning Improvisation: Resource Pack Preview

For singing this month we did something a little different. We took the theme of improvisation but applied it to that all-important preparation skill: warming up.
Guest Pro Nina Rosenberger put together this inspiring tutorial on some more interesting and unusual ways to warm up your voice and start playing around with vocal ideas:

– Why do we warm up?
– Physical warmup and breathing
– Vocal warmup using different syllables and words
– “Sing it away” exercise
– The importance of keeping true to your own vocal style
– MP3 tracks for warmup with instructions and demonstrations
Nina manages to transform what is often a boring and repetitive part of singing practice into something truly musical and actually enjoyable! By using these specific exercises as well as the overall ideas that can be applied in other ways, you need never suffer through a dull warmup again. Learn more here:


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Singing: Creative Warmups